Joining the Family of Dancers
Membership of Dances of Universal Peace Australia Inc. is open to anyone who is interested in supporting the dances.
Membership Contribution
General $80, Concession $60, Family (Couple) $100
Annual membership fees are due by 30 April each year
Payment of Contribution
DOUPA membership account is BSB: 112-879 Acct: 466653716
Account name is Dances of Universal Peace, Australia
Please include your NAME as reference & Membership Number.
When you make a deposit, please email the Membership Secretary, Kellie Grattidge, with details of date and amount paid and type of membership as well as your name, email and postal address, and whether you are training to be a dance leader, plus the name of your mentor to: kellie.grattidge@gmail.com
New Members
New Members need also to send the following information, as well as making their payment, to the Membership Secretary:
First Name
Last Name
Email Address as email is our preferred method of communication
Postal Address including Postcode
Are you leading Dances of Universal Peace?
If so, please include the name of your Mentor.
Existing Members
Please update the above information if there have been any recent changes by sending an email to the Membership Secretary
Members only – Distance Assistance Fund and the Fattah Fund for Mentored Dance Leaders.
To apply for Fattah fund and distance scholarships please email
Anna Sophia at anna.sophiawisdom@gmail.com and your request will be put to the Fattah Fund Committee.